Monday, March 19, 2012

Learning a Language Part I

How do you learn another language fluently as an adult?

1) Learn your native grammar. It's impossible as an adult to learn another language fluently without knowing grammar. How can you learn the French indirect object pronouns when you don't know what an indirect object pronoun even is? 

2) Focus on the most common parts of language first. It's pointless to learn obscure words like "window pane" or "microjoules" when you first learn the language. When you know "asparagus" but not "need" you have a problem.

3) Read, write, speak, then hear in that order. There is no reason to work on your hearing ability when you can't write what they are speaking, let alone know what they are saying.

4) When it gets easy, make it harder. If you can look up a Wikipedia article and find that you can understand 95% of the words, it's time to pick up a kid's novel. Likewise, if you can hear with ease an easy listening speaker (like a politician), then start listening to podcasts or tv shows.

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